SmallTime 1.8.6. release

Smalltime 1.8.6 brings a proper fix for saving and viewing your tasks 100% reliably, even if you move around the world. This is because the biggest design flaw, originating in 2014 was finally properly addressed. This may not affect you while everything works, but since the latest influx of SmallTime’s popularity, it has become very important to ensure a stable experience for everyone, no matter the lifestyle or the system configuration.


  • proper fix for saving a task time and date when moving trough timezones
  • fix for saving window size when too large on an array of 16K monitors


  • improved texts in task progress bars
  • more consistent formatting of time in the task info window

SmallTime 1.8.6 is also a maintenance release implementing compatibility with future customization updates. A roadmap for Smalltime’s internationalization and customization will be published troughout next few months. For now, enjoy a new version of the tool that is here for you to keep your eye on your life goals and important events.

SmallTime 1.8.6
Size: 5.60 MB
Version: 1.8.6
Published: December 2, 2023